Thursday, March 10, 2022 Day 69 | God sets rules for Priests | Jesus is tortured and executed by the Romans

Day 69 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God sets rules for Priests. Jesus is tortured and executed by the Romans. Support the show at Patreon. ht...

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 Day 68 | God sets laws and punishments for sexual sin | Jesus is arrested by the religious leaders

Day 68 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God sets laws and punishments for sexual sin. Jesus is arrested by the religious leaders. Support the sho...

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Day 67 | God sets rules for killing animals and for sexual relations | Jesus prays in the garden while his followers sleep

Day 67 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God sets rules for killing animals and for sexual relations. Jesus prays in the garden while his follower...

Monday, March 7, 2022 Day 66 | God sets rules for bodily discharges | Aaron purifies the Israelites | Jesus honors a woman who pours perfume on him

Day 66 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God sets rules for bodily discharges. Aaron purifies the Israelites. Jesus honors a woman who pours perfu...

Sunday, March 6, 2022 Day 65 | Rules for skin disease and for mildew in the home | Jesus foretells a terrifying, yet glorious future

Day 65 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God sets rules for skin disease and for mildew in the home. Jesus foretells a terrifying, yet glorious fu...

Saturday, March 5, 2022 Day 64 | Rules for skin diseases | Jesus quotes the greatest command | a poor widow gives two coins

Day 64 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Rules for skin diseases, like leprosy. Jesus quotes the greatest command. A poor widow gives two silver ...

Friday, March 4, 2022 Day 63 | God details which animals and insects are safe to eat | Jesus is challenged by religious leaders

Day 63 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God details which animals and insects are safe to eat. Jesus is challenged by religious leaders. Support ...

Thursday, March 3, 2022 Day 62 | God vaporizes Nadab and Abihu | Jesus teaches the Parable of the Farmer and his Son

Day 62 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God vaporizes Nadab and Abihu. Jesus teaches the Parable of the Farmer and his Son. Support the show at P...

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 Day 61 | Moses appoints the Priests | Jesus enters Jerusalem | Jesus curses a fig tree

Day 61 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses appoints the Priests. Jesus enters Jerusalem and faces both fanatic fans and deadly enemies. Jesus ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Day 60 | Guilt Offerings and Grain Offerings | Jesus teaches about servant leadership

Day 60 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Guilt Offerings and Grain Offerings. Jesus teaches about servant leadership. James and John ask Jesus fo...

Monday, February 28, 2022 Day 59 | Sin offerings for accidental sins | A rich man refuses to follow Jesus

Day 59 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Sin offerings for accidental sins. A rich man refuses to follow Jesus. Support the show at Patreon. https...

Sunday, February 27, 2022 Day 58 | God sets rules for sacrifices | Jesus preaches on divorce, sin, and selfless service

Day 58 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. God sets rules for sacrifices. Jesus preaches on divorce, sin, and selfless service. Support the show at ...

Meet Your Host and Narrator

Hello, I am the host and voice of the Holy Bible Dramatized Podcast and the Holy Bible 1 Year Challenge. I've been a Christian since college in 1996 and led many small Bible groups for Singles and for Married families. My wife and I married in 2000 and led a pure dating life before that.

I can help dramatize your book or project with voice-acting and a thrilling soundtrack! Contact me with your project details and proposed rates.


I am an expert in storytelling and my accomplishments include:


  • Masters in Education
  • Masters in Educational Media Design and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing and Education
  • Studied Theology at UC Riverside
  • Honored Graduate of the University of California, Riverside (Summa Cum Laude)

Related Work History

  • Instructional Designer for a multi-million dollar restaurant chain
  • Veteran British Literature and English-Language Arts Teacher
  • US Army Sergeant (Veteran)

Awards, Titles, and Designations

  • Earned an Army Achievement Medal for excellence in film making and documentary during Operation Roving Sands (Enduring Freedom Campaign)
  • First place in Persuasive Speech competition
  • Dean's Honor List and Chancellor's Excellence Award for Creative Writing and Education (UC Riverside)

Interesting Facts

  • Writing Strategies YouTube channel with over 400,000 views and growing
  • Podcast host with over 320,000 listens and growing
  • Top-selling course creator on Udemy
  • Taught public school from 1st grade to 12th grade
  • Avid gamer for life. Plays competitive Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm
  • Did a dramatic reading of the entire Bible on a public podcast with 7 different voices and a full soundtrack
  • Has an Associate's degree in the Administration of Justice and Police Science

Contact Us


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