Friday, April 15, 2022 Day 105 | Moses sets more laws; including divorce, loans, and serving the poor | Jesus tells the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man

Day 105 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses sets more laws; including divorce, loans, and serving the poor. Jesus tells the parable of Lazarus...

Thursday, April 14, 2022 Day 104 | Moses sets Other Laws including ones for Sexual Sin | Jesus tells the Parable of the Unjust Steward

Day 104 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses sets Other Laws including ones for Sexual Sin. Jesus tells the Parable of the Unjust Steward. Supp...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Day 103 | Moses sets laws for War and Safety Cities | Jesus tells the parable of the Prodigal Son

Day 103 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses sets laws for War and Safety Cities. Jesus tells the parable of the Prodigal Son. Support the show...

Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Day 102 | Moses sets laws for Prophets and for choosing a King | Jesus teaches about the banquet in heaven

Day 102 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses sets laws for Prophets and for choosing a King. Jesus teaches about the banquet in heaven. Support...

Monday, April 11, 2022 Day 101 | Moses sets laws for loan forgiveness | Asherah poles must be destroyed | Jesus teaches on being great in God's Kingdom

Day 101 of the One Year Audio Bible Experience. Moses sets laws for loan forgiveness. Asherah poles must be destroyed. Jesus teaches on being great in...

Sunday, April 10, 2022 Day 100 | Moses gives orders to destroy pagan cities | Food restrictions are given | The Kingdom is like a Mustard Tree

Day 100 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses gives orders to destroy pagan cities. Food restrictions are given. Jesus describes the Kingdom as ...

Saturday, April 9, 2022 Day 99 | Moses gives the Israelites a choice to be Blessed or Cursed | Jesus teaches on being ready for the Lord's Return

Day 99 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses gives the Israelites a choice to be Blessed or Cursed | Jesus teaches on being ready for the Lord's...

Friday, April 8, 2022 Day 98 | Moses reflects on when the 10 Commandments were broken and then restored | Jesus teaches on putting the Kingdom of God first

Day 98 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses reflects on when the 10 Commandments were broken and then restored. Jesus teaches on putting the Ki...

Thursday, April 7, 2022 Day 97 | Moses reminds the Israelites of God's power and love | Jesus challenges the Pharisees

Day 97 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses reminds the Israelites of God's power and love. Jesus challenges the Pharisees. Support the show at...

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Day 96 | Moses relives the days the 10 Commandments were created | Jesus reveals his divine authority on Earth

Day 96 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses relives the days the 10 Commandments were created. Jesus reveals his divine authority on Earth. Sup...

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 Day 95 | Moses prays to enter the Promised Land | Parable of the Good Samaritan | Jesus teaches prayer

Day 95 of the One Year Audio Bible Podcast. Moses recounts military victories with God and warns the Israelites to obey Him. Moses asks God if he can ...

Monday, April 4, 2022 Day 94 | Moses recounts his journey with God and the Israelites | Jesus discusses Judgment Day

Day 94 of the Holy Bible One Year Challenge. Moses recounts his journey with God and the Israelites. Jesus discusses Judgment Day. Support the show at...

Meet Your Host and Narrator

Hello, I am the host and voice of the Holy Bible Dramatized Podcast and the Holy Bible 1 Year Challenge. I've been a Christian since college in 1996 and led many small Bible groups for Singles and for Married families. My wife and I married in 2000 and led a pure dating life before that.

I can help dramatize your book or project with voice-acting and a thrilling soundtrack! Contact me with your project details and proposed rates.


I am an expert in storytelling and my accomplishments include:


  • Masters in Education
  • Masters in Educational Media Design and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing and Education
  • Studied Theology at UC Riverside
  • Honored Graduate of the University of California, Riverside (Summa Cum Laude)

Related Work History

  • Instructional Designer for a multi-million dollar restaurant chain
  • Veteran British Literature and English-Language Arts Teacher
  • US Army Sergeant (Veteran)

Awards, Titles, and Designations

  • Earned an Army Achievement Medal for excellence in film making and documentary during Operation Roving Sands (Enduring Freedom Campaign)
  • First place in Persuasive Speech competition
  • Dean's Honor List and Chancellor's Excellence Award for Creative Writing and Education (UC Riverside)

Interesting Facts

  • Writing Strategies YouTube channel with over 400,000 views and growing
  • Podcast host with over 320,000 listens and growing
  • Top-selling course creator on Udemy
  • Taught public school from 1st grade to 12th grade
  • Avid gamer for life. Plays competitive Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm
  • Did a dramatic reading of the entire Bible on a public podcast with 7 different voices and a full soundtrack
  • Has an Associate's degree in the Administration of Justice and Police Science

Contact Us


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